Who We Are

The KINDer School Project is the brainchild of Christopher Guidarelli, a former public school teacher, district leader and principal with the idea to build a community of educators who agree to practice a set of values that encourages and fosters KINDness in schools at all levels- Among adults, students & the community.

After designing and running a school with a set of values grounded in KINDness, where teachers and students alike felt supported, a sense of belonging and a motivation to be better, Christopher left his dream job to devote his time and expertise to helping other principals do the same.

Christopher noticed how other principals desired to make their schools KINDer, safer, more joyous with ever increasing student achievement BUT often didn’t have support that was genuine (or secret oversight from the higher powers).

The KINDer Schools project provides in-person and remote coaching and support for principals, full professional development series for schools & district and free resources & ideas for educators. The KINDer Schools project hopes to build an online community of support for teachers and school leaders across the country.

Meet the Team

  • Founder/Coach

    Christopher has over 15 years experiences in education. He specializes in helping new, struggling and burnt out principals lead their schools with more ease and joy. Christopher has expertise in building a positive school culture with KINDness at the center. He helps principals create and manage systems to help their school run smoother and with higher student achievement. He is passionate about running school-wide/district-wide professional learning on various topics and practices.

“But what we can do, and what we are ethically called to do, is create a space in our schools and classrooms where all students can walk in and, for that day or hour, take off the crushing weight of their armor, hang it on a rack, and open their heart to truly being seen.”

— Brene Brown